Hello Guys,
Send text message and voice message with call using twilio with rails 4
here my steps:
Step1: Need to add this into you gem file
gem ‘twilio-ruby’, ‘~> 4.1.0’ (do bundle install)
Step 2: set your twilio application and secret key in your secret.yml file and create method
twilio_account_sid: XXXXXXXXXXX
twilio_auth_token: XXXXXXXXXXX
Step 3: creating Method for sending the Text Message
# Method for giving the twillo credential to send message to phone number def send_otp
def send_otp Twilio::REST::Client.new(Rails.application.secrets.twilio_account_sid,Rails.application.secrets.twilio_auth_token)
# Method for generating random otp number
def generated_otp
otp_number = rand(0000..9999).to_s.rjust(4, “0”)
# Method for checking the onfirmation of the particular mobiler number otp
def confirm_verify_number
# make it session nil and send otp request to phone number
send_request = send_otp_request
# Method for send otp request to the phone number
def send_otp_request
# generating the otp number
otp_number = generated_otp
send_otp.account.messages.create(to: “+1″<<#{Your Phone Number},from: “#{Twilio Number}”,body: otp_number.to_i)
it will send message to your phone
Step 4: creating the method for creating the voice message(need follow same step last method need to replace with below method)
def send_otp_request
# generating the otp number
otp_number = generated_otp
# create call
:from => ‘+16467367408’,:to => “+1″+#{Phone Number}r,:url => “http://twimlets.com/echoTwiml=%3CResponse%3E%3CSay%3EThank+you+to+be+part+of+adsonrides.com+your+number+is+#{otp_number[0]}+#{otp_number[1]}+#{otp_number[2]}+#{otp_number[3]}+once+again+#{otp_number[0]}+#{otp_number[1]}+#{otp_number[2]}+#{otp_number[3]}+Please+Do+Not+Share+Number+With+Any+One+Thank+You+Enjoy+Our+Services+Good+Bye.%3C%2FSay%3E%3C%2FResponse%3E”)
enjoy this blog without using any twilio setting
Thank You !!!!!