we can pick the image while uploading from different sources like dropbox,computer,google pic,goole search image,facebook etc.. by using filepicker with filestack services
here is my steps
Step1: Add Gem
gem ‘filepicker-rails'(do bunlde install)
Step 2: Need to add the key in application.rb
config.filepicker_rails.api_key = “XXXXXXXXXXXX”
Step 3: Create Form
<%= f.filepicker_field :filepicker_url,dragdrop: true,services: “COMPUTER” %>
we can restrict the different sources while providing service: “Computer” its only picking images from only computer rest of all sources its restricting.
Step 4: Show Image
<%= filepicker_image_tag @campaign.filepicker_url, w: 160, h: 160, fit: ‘clip’%>
here is my reference link:
Thank You !!!!!!
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